Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I just finished reading a great book!

Thinking in Pictures (Expanded, Tie-in Edition): My Life with Autism (Vintage); Emergence: Labeled AutisticI recently purchased  several books and a video by Temple Grandin.  She is a woman with autism, who has had some amazing accomplishments.   Her first book, "Emergence" was a real eye opener for me.   It tells of her childhood through adolecence and gives the reader insight from the viewpoint of the autistic person.   Most books I have ever seen are written by experts in the field.   This is totally different!    Lonnie has speech, but still has difficulty expressing herself sometimes.   It can be like playing 20 questions getting information from her.  She tries, I can tell she is struggling to come up with the right words.   The more I read in this book, the more sense I was able to make out of some of Lonnie's behaviors.

 I now have more tools in my "arsenal" to help Lonnie all I can.   

I am looking forward to starting the next book, "Thinking In Pictures".

The HBO movie about her life is coming out in August on DVD - looking forward to seeing it.    I don't have HBO service, but my sister & brother-in-law saw it and said it was wonderful.

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