Thursday, March 19, 2009

Minnie Mouse costume arrived!

Lonnie's Minnie Mouse costume arrived yesterday. I had the package mailed to my office since I am not home during the day. Before I went in the house, I put the "ears" on. Lonnie was busy with a video game when I walked in. She turned around to say hi, saw the ears and gasped. She immediately switched off the game and came running to me. She was so excited, she had to try the dress on right there. She wore it the rest of the evening until bath time. She insisted that while she was wearing it, she was no longer Lonnie, but "Miss Minnie".

I took some photos and this one came out the best. She wanted to wear it to school to show her friends, but I explained that she could not. I am printing out a copy of this picture for her to take and show the other children.

I have not found the shoes in her size yet, but will keep looking as she will not let the matter rest until I do. It's not that she is demanding, it's just that the Minnie doll she has, has the yellow shoes w/red bows, so she doesn't see the outfit as being complete without them. This is the "obsessive" behavior aspect of autism.

I know some people will see this purchase as an unnecessary extravagance, but really, Lonnie asks for so little. She is not caught up in the frantic acquisition of video games, clothes, etc. that most kids are these days. This outfit is the most important thing in the world to her right now, and that won't change for a long time.


Marty said...

Oh, she looks lovely! Maybe she can wear this to Disneyland!

Mary said...

That picture is priceless, I pray you will be able to find the shoes for her. Love you!