Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back to School!

Today was Lonnie's first day of school starting 6th grade.   When we arrived, we discovered that the teacher in whose class we thought Lonnie would be, had resigned and accepted a position at another school.    So the teacher who has Lonnie this year has no information or preparation for dealing with her at all!   Should be interesting - I wonder how soon she will be calling me to schedule a conference.

Lonnie is reluctant to let go of her summer routine, but we got her dressed and to school with no meltdowns, so that in itself is a victory.  We saw Lonnie's teacher from last year.    Lonnie is now almost as tall as her, she had a real growth spurt over the summer.   The first couple of weeks are always the most difficult, but I feel like it may be a little easier this year.   As Lonnie gets older, she seems better able to adapt to changes.  

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