Monday, August 30, 2010

Trip to White Sands National Monument

We drove to White Sands yesterday.   We were all impressed with the white sand.  

Of course Lonnie found a rain puddle to play in for as long as we could let her.    It was only a few inches deep, but she and a boy there with his family had a lot of fun running around and splashing each other.   When she got hot, she just sat down in it!   I'm glad I had a blanket in the car for her to sit on.
It is a 3 hour trip each way, so when it was time to head home, of course she did not want to leave.   All the way home, she was fussing at me about having to leave.   When she gets this single minded, I cannot say anything that will help.   There is no logic, just her wanting to stay.    By the time we got home, I just wanted to take a nap!

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